Luke, I am your father., Your email address will not be published. Might be the reason she is a loner too, since she didnt do girl stuff and boy’s didnt want to play with her cuz she is a girl (little boys do do that sometimes). Sierra Silver. So…I may have actually been right. The barbed wire at the end is definitely barbed wire. At any time when you’re on the path, you can keep walking to Grandma’s, or you can go to the phone booth and call for someone to get you. Not just due to everything beyond the red dress being a total stretch, but because it seems to go against the metaphor of the Path. So the Girl in Red seems friendly. FYI: I am updated to 1.5.1 Thank you concernedApe :D continuously amazed by the new content! For Ginger, “blooming” would be developing normal social skills and “wilting” would be retreating away from that challenge to remain a loner. im sorry,i found that game a few months ago,an i wondered if there where pictures on deviant art,and i somehow could not find any until last night X_X, hehe this was commissioned by the creators of the game, holy freaking crap,i made a near perfect picture of ruby (only 1 mistake! If it was a male friend Ginger lost, I’d say he was freaked out by her first menstruation, but the GiR is obviously older than Ginger, so that’s hardly likely. For the safety of your family and ours, we are now taking phone orders only for pickup and delivery. He means Rose, I think… Rose was the one with the floating cloud zombie. Alternatively alternatively: The girl in red is a crazed psychopath who garroted Ginger with barbed wire. Well, instinct tells me you did and your crude vulgarity now is a clumsy, ill-fated attempt to start another flame war, but I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. I would like to extend an invitation to everyone arguing in this thread to knock it off. She's so evil that she finds it amusing to appear nice. A videogame that judges its audience, criticizes its genre, and hates its premise. Is there any significance to the cut-off on April 4th, I wonder? I don’t get that in relation to any of the possible scenarios people have come up with. It seems to be a symbol of immortality, glory, royalty, and incorruptability. I didn’t think she was actually supposed to _be_ Native American at all. However I do warn you, sometimes in this game it can get a bit ear piercing to listen to. In this position, she represents a clearly female role, which would play well into the “smack! We MOVED! Actually, I’ll link to the YouTube of Ginger’s ending while I’m here. It doesn’t literally take place in a forest, of course, it takes place in a field out in a farm somewhere with power lines going through it. Here I analyze this style and explain what it all means. However, it is odd that feathers float around her room and there is a crow sitting on the sideways table a few rooms before it. Is there a possibility to tie the two together? Likewise, if the Girl in White is supposed to be innocence and friendship or whatever (something positive), it would make sense for the “wolf” to take her (metaphorical) face. My first impression when she and the girl in red fell on the floor, was that there was certainly more than friendship about to happen between them. The fact of the matter is that there is a presence in the shape of a person observing the events in that field. She made a friend who turned out to be bad for her and got hurt or let the girl take control, becoming a sheep. Did anyone else see the tendrils as wires (when they came alive halfway through I thought it symbolized “live” wires or else shaken by the crows. Maybe barbed wire is barbed wire? Interesting ideas from you guys, I think you all can be onto something here. The forest is a great place for adventures! Comments are closed. Ginger’s headed for the adult world now, right? Then, to get to the Ginger Island farm on the west side, awaken the sleeping turtle blocking the path by giving a nearby parrot 10 Golden Walnuts. Assuming this is about menstruation, Carmen would easily represent what Ginger does not want to become, a painfully girly girl. From there, there's an old overgrown path that leads straight to Ginger's hideout. When the player selects a girl, the journey begins. Keeping with the “none of them really die” theory, however, Ginger gets involved with a psychopath who monopolizes her life (the way the Girl in Red makes her chase after her, tiring Ginger out), causing depression and a feeling of emptiness while the Girl in Red grows stronger and stronger emotionally from her control of Ginger’s psyche (technically it can’t be physically proven that one is literally draining the other for energy, but the boot fits). Sort of. I was a bit confused about this one… well, actually I had the idea that her story was about her getting really angry or depressed about something, leaving the path, destroying a field of flowers, getting hurt on the thorns, and then lying to herself about it later, pretending that it was a really happy day. Is PC gaming returning to its former glory? The two play innocently. Note the shutters in the hall that allow glimpses back to the previous room (looking back at childhood). The way I took it was a combination of a couple things, one which my friend pointed out. And a much more fun way to get to grandmother’s house. “Ha ha!” it says mockingly, “Now you are irrevocably a girl.”. I would go with the former here though because the wolf encounter is so carefree when we see it. Instead of giving up on all of my favorites, I decided to try … One of those indicators shows where the Girl in White is. I didn’t think it was some kind of universal symbolism. EDIT: Also, I predict very little conflicting interpretations on this one, unfortunately. I would definitely have to nix the menstruation argument in my interpretation, because as someone else already pointed out, that’s an inevitability. Anyways, back to wading through the bubbling pot of ever-thickening symbolism that is The Path…. I think this is either telling the girls that a) You need to learn that bad can happen but I can lead you back to the path to avoid this, b) She is leading them both through curiosity and adulthood through the ways that address their own weakness, or c) It’s a glitch, she takes the direct path, which sometimes leads through an area with a wolf. Maybe that’s the purpose of the crows all up on the telephone wire? Her story is about being at the last days when she can be a “child” and not have to deal with pesky hormones – one of my favorite times of my own life, and one that I was a little sad to lose. As I stated, I can at times see the number 666 pop up on screen. Did I say or imply anything about rape? It occurred to me that a possible interpretation in the game is that the old lady isn’t their grandmother, it’s who they could grow up to be, if they keep taking the safe path. Except the floating zombie wolf – does the GiW ever lead you to him? Then the harsh reality afterwards for someone whose first love was of the same sex realizing you have to face society and face the decision to share your experience or keep it hidden. But it’s probably more fun to try to connect all the images with a given meaning. It’s not impossible. Leaving childhood behind, though, the other half of Ginger’s description, also comes into it. This is Ginger, from Michael and Auriea's upcoming game 'The Path'. But it could also mean that something was holder her back from becoming an adult and leaving her childhood. The “tendrils of Darkness” also resonate with psychopathy, again for reasons that I thought were personal to me, so take that one with a grain of salt. But what the death does that have to do with the Red Girl? And a much more fun way to get to grandmother’s house. Was she the victim of an unfortunate farming accident? Again, though, the tendrils make sense to me: an all-pervasive malevolence that, if you let it grow long enough, will come to pierce every aspect of your life…But that was an association I came up with more or less on my own. First of all I believe it is about menstration, confusion on sexuality (liking more boyish things, which is why her wolf is a female), running away from your problems (“I’m too fast”, “Now you see me, now you don’t”) and death and loss. The barbed wire is probably just symbolic of the end of her innocence, the end of the parade of toys, the fact that this new development is a little scary, and the fact that, purportedly, it hurts. What does she need to learn? I feel as though Ginger’s wolf is toying with her. The eighth tropical cyclone and fifth hurricane of the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season, Ginger spent 27.25 days as a tropical cyclone, lasting from September 6 to October 3.Twenty of those days (September 11 – September 30), Ginger was classified as a hurricane. But how do you match up the weird, stiff, dark things (Mari says they’re clotheslines, but I don’t see it), the toys under the bed, the peacock motif, and the barbed wire deathtrap with relationships/lesbianism? Fuck off, Maldeus. How is this knowledge a two-edged sword? I’ve heard the metaphor of raucous, squabbling women as crows more than once before. If you want to assume they’re insane and hallucinating go right ahead. If you aren’t convinced of the medicinal properties of ginger yet, you will be … Search for: Search. Ginger grows up to realise all the faux macho-violence, like seen on TV, is not so fun in real life, and that she is not as tough as she thought she was. But then, like Shamus I’m not exactly equipped to offer any great insight into menstruation, and I certainly wouldn’t rule out double meanings from these folks. I played because of a friends and I"m so glad. She’s so evil that she finds it amusing to appear nice. It is also apperent that she doesn’t really do the same things that others girls do; she is a tomboy. > she bloom before she wilts? Afterwards, she walked very slowly because she understood life was not just the games she made. The pretense of being good, kind, friendly and harmless gives way to violent danger. But underneath, for me, she is beyond mean. The problem I, like several others, apparently, have with “menstruation as wolf” is that it does not seem to fit with the rest of the stories very well. Your email address will not be published. When I first saw it, I took it literally – Ginger and the girl were running around in a cornfield recklessly, and one of them ran into the barbed wire. Heck, you can actually wander around in the woods as much as you like, even in the wolf sites, and nothing bad will happen unless you choose it to. They run around the field until they tumble over, and then recline on the grass. Then context matters (Ginger’s profile). Sleep Hut and Mailbox (20 + 5 Golden Walnuts) In the first section of the west-side of Ginger Island after the turtle clears the path you will encounter the Sleep Hut and farming area. All very depressing. I mean, if there is *one thing* I thought I had on this game, it was that straying off the path = going against what you were told. All the other instances seem like situations the girls put themselves into as a matter of choice or necessity, but periods don’t work like that. Please remember that the ginger bath will make you sweat profusely for at least an hour afterwards, so wear a bathrobe or sweat clothes. And both birds play prominently in the game. That certainly wouldn’t fit into my interpretation. Then choice of symbols matters (why would the author make the color of the helper girl’s dress a symbol?). Not like I would know. The dark clothesline(?) You're welcome. Let's count up the ways in which Bethesda has misunderstood and misused the Fallout property. The Coronavirus. Thus, the Girl in White != Girl in Red, though they may look alike. Rose – Nature – she risks (literally) getting lost in the woods, or drowning. Just curious, as it might affect the storytelling…. Ginger did not play well with the other girl. I also noted how the girl in red and the girl in white look the same and the girl in white is supposed to be like a friend. oh? So, maybe this is too personal an interpretation to have too much meaning outside my own impression, but I’m absolutely labeling Satangirl as a betraying psychopath out to exploit Ginger until she crawls back to Gramma’s. I was just throwing out every idea that came to mind in hopes of stumbling across something deep and meaningful. As far as I can tell, she never pulls a fast one on you (unless her pathing gets messed up, in which case she leads you smack into the wolf, but that sounds like a bug to me). You'll definitely enjoy fast acting pain relief and ultimate … Whether the game was intended as a work of art filled with imagery and symbolism, or whether the girls are all insane and hallucinating everything doesn’t matter, because it’s all in how we, ourselves, interpret it. I think every one of the girls has a behavior that is (to some extent) dangerous and forbidden, but of which they don’t see the danger themselves. Horrific and dark, but that was my thought. Then we come back to how she really feels at the moment by walking through the rain to Grandma’s house. There's a group out there called the Mystery Kids. Finally, on the path to the gemstone puzzle in Stardew Valley's newest island, a walnut is hiding in the bushes on the southmost edge of the screen. And I think the feathers all over the place belong to crows. If she did know for a long time that she was gay, she most likely kept it to herself and became a loner. Her outlook on the world is wonderfully full of mirth and disrespect. @Vladius – Ruby was one of the easiest and most obvious to me. Which if she just made out with a girl for the first time would probably be feeling pretty funny about visiting her grandmother. Playfully tricky, though. Anyone have any idea what the audio symbolizes in this one? Robin – Wild animals – she risks getting hurt by an actual wolf (not very likely perhaps, wolves are hard to actually meet), or even just a swan or something. Thus she died watching her only friend die as well. Having a certain name, unless it has racial slurs or something, isn’t an indication that you’re trolling. Ginger Bath: You can use either fresh grated ginger or ginger powder. Ginger is a plant with leafy stems and yellowish green flowers. The leading actors Ginger Rogers and Joel MacCrea are looks perfect to each other in this story, it adds much to the impression of the film. When it goes over a gully, duck under the path, etc. Even the pic may or may not be violence. This from Michael Samyn, from Tale of Tales. Don’t worry I bought the game and these pitches are NOT how they should be. Either way, I can’t be bothered to continue responding to your petty, childish insults. When I encountered the Girl In Red Wolf, the Girl in White indicator clearly showed that she wasn’t in the field of flowers. EDIT I’m excited for you to get to Scarlet, if only because a lot of people seem to think she got her fingers cut off by her wolf. Finally the question “what does the symbol mean?” can be asked. The barbed wire? Also in many cultures all over the world 13 used to be the age you stopped being a child and became an adult. Oda 595 Mitch Nelson, You've Got A Friend In Me Cover, L'embrun Brest Menu, Mousse Chocolat Blanc Mascarpone Sans Oeufs, Organigramme Ministère De La Jeunesse Et Des Sports Maroc, Exposition Dinosaure 2020 Paris, Vente Accessoire Billard Tunisie, Billard Américain Pas Cher, Carte De La Vendée Détaillée, " /> Luke, I am your father., Your email address will not be published. Might be the reason she is a loner too, since she didnt do girl stuff and boy’s didnt want to play with her cuz she is a girl (little boys do do that sometimes). Sierra Silver. So…I may have actually been right. The barbed wire at the end is definitely barbed wire. At any time when you’re on the path, you can keep walking to Grandma’s, or you can go to the phone booth and call for someone to get you. Not just due to everything beyond the red dress being a total stretch, but because it seems to go against the metaphor of the Path. So the Girl in Red seems friendly. FYI: I am updated to 1.5.1 Thank you concernedApe :D continuously amazed by the new content! For Ginger, “blooming” would be developing normal social skills and “wilting” would be retreating away from that challenge to remain a loner. im sorry,i found that game a few months ago,an i wondered if there where pictures on deviant art,and i somehow could not find any until last night X_X, hehe this was commissioned by the creators of the game, holy freaking crap,i made a near perfect picture of ruby (only 1 mistake! If it was a male friend Ginger lost, I’d say he was freaked out by her first menstruation, but the GiR is obviously older than Ginger, so that’s hardly likely. For the safety of your family and ours, we are now taking phone orders only for pickup and delivery. He means Rose, I think… Rose was the one with the floating cloud zombie. Alternatively alternatively: The girl in red is a crazed psychopath who garroted Ginger with barbed wire. Well, instinct tells me you did and your crude vulgarity now is a clumsy, ill-fated attempt to start another flame war, but I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. I would like to extend an invitation to everyone arguing in this thread to knock it off. She's so evil that she finds it amusing to appear nice. A videogame that judges its audience, criticizes its genre, and hates its premise. Is there any significance to the cut-off on April 4th, I wonder? I don’t get that in relation to any of the possible scenarios people have come up with. It seems to be a symbol of immortality, glory, royalty, and incorruptability. I didn’t think she was actually supposed to _be_ Native American at all. However I do warn you, sometimes in this game it can get a bit ear piercing to listen to. In this position, she represents a clearly female role, which would play well into the “smack! We MOVED! Actually, I’ll link to the YouTube of Ginger’s ending while I’m here. It doesn’t literally take place in a forest, of course, it takes place in a field out in a farm somewhere with power lines going through it. Here I analyze this style and explain what it all means. However, it is odd that feathers float around her room and there is a crow sitting on the sideways table a few rooms before it. Is there a possibility to tie the two together? Likewise, if the Girl in White is supposed to be innocence and friendship or whatever (something positive), it would make sense for the “wolf” to take her (metaphorical) face. My first impression when she and the girl in red fell on the floor, was that there was certainly more than friendship about to happen between them. The fact of the matter is that there is a presence in the shape of a person observing the events in that field. She made a friend who turned out to be bad for her and got hurt or let the girl take control, becoming a sheep. Did anyone else see the tendrils as wires (when they came alive halfway through I thought it symbolized “live” wires or else shaken by the crows. Maybe barbed wire is barbed wire? Interesting ideas from you guys, I think you all can be onto something here. The forest is a great place for adventures! Comments are closed. Ginger’s headed for the adult world now, right? Then, to get to the Ginger Island farm on the west side, awaken the sleeping turtle blocking the path by giving a nearby parrot 10 Golden Walnuts. Assuming this is about menstruation, Carmen would easily represent what Ginger does not want to become, a painfully girly girl. From there, there's an old overgrown path that leads straight to Ginger's hideout. When the player selects a girl, the journey begins. Keeping with the “none of them really die” theory, however, Ginger gets involved with a psychopath who monopolizes her life (the way the Girl in Red makes her chase after her, tiring Ginger out), causing depression and a feeling of emptiness while the Girl in Red grows stronger and stronger emotionally from her control of Ginger’s psyche (technically it can’t be physically proven that one is literally draining the other for energy, but the boot fits). Sort of. I was a bit confused about this one… well, actually I had the idea that her story was about her getting really angry or depressed about something, leaving the path, destroying a field of flowers, getting hurt on the thorns, and then lying to herself about it later, pretending that it was a really happy day. Is PC gaming returning to its former glory? The two play innocently. Note the shutters in the hall that allow glimpses back to the previous room (looking back at childhood). The way I took it was a combination of a couple things, one which my friend pointed out. And a much more fun way to get to grandmother’s house. “Ha ha!” it says mockingly, “Now you are irrevocably a girl.”. I would go with the former here though because the wolf encounter is so carefree when we see it. Instead of giving up on all of my favorites, I decided to try … One of those indicators shows where the Girl in White is. I didn’t think it was some kind of universal symbolism. EDIT: Also, I predict very little conflicting interpretations on this one, unfortunately. I would definitely have to nix the menstruation argument in my interpretation, because as someone else already pointed out, that’s an inevitability. Anyways, back to wading through the bubbling pot of ever-thickening symbolism that is The Path…. I think this is either telling the girls that a) You need to learn that bad can happen but I can lead you back to the path to avoid this, b) She is leading them both through curiosity and adulthood through the ways that address their own weakness, or c) It’s a glitch, she takes the direct path, which sometimes leads through an area with a wolf. Maybe that’s the purpose of the crows all up on the telephone wire? Her story is about being at the last days when she can be a “child” and not have to deal with pesky hormones – one of my favorite times of my own life, and one that I was a little sad to lose. As I stated, I can at times see the number 666 pop up on screen. Did I say or imply anything about rape? It occurred to me that a possible interpretation in the game is that the old lady isn’t their grandmother, it’s who they could grow up to be, if they keep taking the safe path. Except the floating zombie wolf – does the GiW ever lead you to him? Then the harsh reality afterwards for someone whose first love was of the same sex realizing you have to face society and face the decision to share your experience or keep it hidden. But it’s probably more fun to try to connect all the images with a given meaning. It’s not impossible. Leaving childhood behind, though, the other half of Ginger’s description, also comes into it. This is Ginger, from Michael and Auriea's upcoming game 'The Path'. But it could also mean that something was holder her back from becoming an adult and leaving her childhood. The “tendrils of Darkness” also resonate with psychopathy, again for reasons that I thought were personal to me, so take that one with a grain of salt. But what the death does that have to do with the Red Girl? And a much more fun way to get to grandmother’s house. Was she the victim of an unfortunate farming accident? Again, though, the tendrils make sense to me: an all-pervasive malevolence that, if you let it grow long enough, will come to pierce every aspect of your life…But that was an association I came up with more or less on my own. First of all I believe it is about menstration, confusion on sexuality (liking more boyish things, which is why her wolf is a female), running away from your problems (“I’m too fast”, “Now you see me, now you don’t”) and death and loss. The barbed wire is probably just symbolic of the end of her innocence, the end of the parade of toys, the fact that this new development is a little scary, and the fact that, purportedly, it hurts. What does she need to learn? I feel as though Ginger’s wolf is toying with her. The eighth tropical cyclone and fifth hurricane of the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season, Ginger spent 27.25 days as a tropical cyclone, lasting from September 6 to October 3.Twenty of those days (September 11 – September 30), Ginger was classified as a hurricane. But how do you match up the weird, stiff, dark things (Mari says they’re clotheslines, but I don’t see it), the toys under the bed, the peacock motif, and the barbed wire deathtrap with relationships/lesbianism? Fuck off, Maldeus. How is this knowledge a two-edged sword? I’ve heard the metaphor of raucous, squabbling women as crows more than once before. If you want to assume they’re insane and hallucinating go right ahead. If you aren’t convinced of the medicinal properties of ginger yet, you will be … Search for: Search. Ginger grows up to realise all the faux macho-violence, like seen on TV, is not so fun in real life, and that she is not as tough as she thought she was. But then, like Shamus I’m not exactly equipped to offer any great insight into menstruation, and I certainly wouldn’t rule out double meanings from these folks. I played because of a friends and I"m so glad. She’s so evil that she finds it amusing to appear nice. It is also apperent that she doesn’t really do the same things that others girls do; she is a tomboy. > she bloom before she wilts? Afterwards, she walked very slowly because she understood life was not just the games she made. The pretense of being good, kind, friendly and harmless gives way to violent danger. But underneath, for me, she is beyond mean. The problem I, like several others, apparently, have with “menstruation as wolf” is that it does not seem to fit with the rest of the stories very well. Your email address will not be published. When I first saw it, I took it literally – Ginger and the girl were running around in a cornfield recklessly, and one of them ran into the barbed wire. Heck, you can actually wander around in the woods as much as you like, even in the wolf sites, and nothing bad will happen unless you choose it to. They run around the field until they tumble over, and then recline on the grass. Then context matters (Ginger’s profile). Sleep Hut and Mailbox (20 + 5 Golden Walnuts) In the first section of the west-side of Ginger Island after the turtle clears the path you will encounter the Sleep Hut and farming area. All very depressing. I mean, if there is *one thing* I thought I had on this game, it was that straying off the path = going against what you were told. All the other instances seem like situations the girls put themselves into as a matter of choice or necessity, but periods don’t work like that. Please remember that the ginger bath will make you sweat profusely for at least an hour afterwards, so wear a bathrobe or sweat clothes. And both birds play prominently in the game. That certainly wouldn’t fit into my interpretation. Then choice of symbols matters (why would the author make the color of the helper girl’s dress a symbol?). Not like I would know. The dark clothesline(?) You're welcome. Let's count up the ways in which Bethesda has misunderstood and misused the Fallout property. The Coronavirus. Thus, the Girl in White != Girl in Red, though they may look alike. Rose – Nature – she risks (literally) getting lost in the woods, or drowning. Just curious, as it might affect the storytelling…. Ginger did not play well with the other girl. I also noted how the girl in red and the girl in white look the same and the girl in white is supposed to be like a friend. oh? So, maybe this is too personal an interpretation to have too much meaning outside my own impression, but I’m absolutely labeling Satangirl as a betraying psychopath out to exploit Ginger until she crawls back to Gramma’s. I was just throwing out every idea that came to mind in hopes of stumbling across something deep and meaningful. As far as I can tell, she never pulls a fast one on you (unless her pathing gets messed up, in which case she leads you smack into the wolf, but that sounds like a bug to me). You'll definitely enjoy fast acting pain relief and ultimate … Whether the game was intended as a work of art filled with imagery and symbolism, or whether the girls are all insane and hallucinating everything doesn’t matter, because it’s all in how we, ourselves, interpret it. I think every one of the girls has a behavior that is (to some extent) dangerous and forbidden, but of which they don’t see the danger themselves. Horrific and dark, but that was my thought. Then we come back to how she really feels at the moment by walking through the rain to Grandma’s house. There's a group out there called the Mystery Kids. Finally, on the path to the gemstone puzzle in Stardew Valley's newest island, a walnut is hiding in the bushes on the southmost edge of the screen. And I think the feathers all over the place belong to crows. If she did know for a long time that she was gay, she most likely kept it to herself and became a loner. Her outlook on the world is wonderfully full of mirth and disrespect. @Vladius – Ruby was one of the easiest and most obvious to me. Which if she just made out with a girl for the first time would probably be feeling pretty funny about visiting her grandmother. Playfully tricky, though. Anyone have any idea what the audio symbolizes in this one? Robin – Wild animals – she risks getting hurt by an actual wolf (not very likely perhaps, wolves are hard to actually meet), or even just a swan or something. Thus she died watching her only friend die as well. Having a certain name, unless it has racial slurs or something, isn’t an indication that you’re trolling. Ginger Bath: You can use either fresh grated ginger or ginger powder. Ginger is a plant with leafy stems and yellowish green flowers. The leading actors Ginger Rogers and Joel MacCrea are looks perfect to each other in this story, it adds much to the impression of the film. When it goes over a gully, duck under the path, etc. Even the pic may or may not be violence. This from Michael Samyn, from Tale of Tales. Don’t worry I bought the game and these pitches are NOT how they should be. Either way, I can’t be bothered to continue responding to your petty, childish insults. When I encountered the Girl In Red Wolf, the Girl in White indicator clearly showed that she wasn’t in the field of flowers. EDIT I’m excited for you to get to Scarlet, if only because a lot of people seem to think she got her fingers cut off by her wolf. Finally the question “what does the symbol mean?” can be asked. The barbed wire? Also in many cultures all over the world 13 used to be the age you stopped being a child and became an adult. Oda 595 Mitch Nelson, You've Got A Friend In Me Cover, L'embrun Brest Menu, Mousse Chocolat Blanc Mascarpone Sans Oeufs, Organigramme Ministère De La Jeunesse Et Des Sports Maroc, Exposition Dinosaure 2020 Paris, Vente Accessoire Billard Tunisie, Billard Américain Pas Cher, Carte De La Vendée Détaillée, " /> Luke, I am your father., Your email address will not be published. Might be the reason she is a loner too, since she didnt do girl stuff and boy’s didnt want to play with her cuz she is a girl (little boys do do that sometimes). Sierra Silver. So…I may have actually been right. The barbed wire at the end is definitely barbed wire. At any time when you’re on the path, you can keep walking to Grandma’s, or you can go to the phone booth and call for someone to get you. Not just due to everything beyond the red dress being a total stretch, but because it seems to go against the metaphor of the Path. So the Girl in Red seems friendly. FYI: I am updated to 1.5.1 Thank you concernedApe :D continuously amazed by the new content! For Ginger, “blooming” would be developing normal social skills and “wilting” would be retreating away from that challenge to remain a loner. im sorry,i found that game a few months ago,an i wondered if there where pictures on deviant art,and i somehow could not find any until last night X_X, hehe this was commissioned by the creators of the game, holy freaking crap,i made a near perfect picture of ruby (only 1 mistake! If it was a male friend Ginger lost, I’d say he was freaked out by her first menstruation, but the GiR is obviously older than Ginger, so that’s hardly likely. For the safety of your family and ours, we are now taking phone orders only for pickup and delivery. He means Rose, I think… Rose was the one with the floating cloud zombie. Alternatively alternatively: The girl in red is a crazed psychopath who garroted Ginger with barbed wire. Well, instinct tells me you did and your crude vulgarity now is a clumsy, ill-fated attempt to start another flame war, but I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. I would like to extend an invitation to everyone arguing in this thread to knock it off. She's so evil that she finds it amusing to appear nice. A videogame that judges its audience, criticizes its genre, and hates its premise. Is there any significance to the cut-off on April 4th, I wonder? I don’t get that in relation to any of the possible scenarios people have come up with. It seems to be a symbol of immortality, glory, royalty, and incorruptability. I didn’t think she was actually supposed to _be_ Native American at all. However I do warn you, sometimes in this game it can get a bit ear piercing to listen to. In this position, she represents a clearly female role, which would play well into the “smack! We MOVED! Actually, I’ll link to the YouTube of Ginger’s ending while I’m here. It doesn’t literally take place in a forest, of course, it takes place in a field out in a farm somewhere with power lines going through it. Here I analyze this style and explain what it all means. However, it is odd that feathers float around her room and there is a crow sitting on the sideways table a few rooms before it. Is there a possibility to tie the two together? Likewise, if the Girl in White is supposed to be innocence and friendship or whatever (something positive), it would make sense for the “wolf” to take her (metaphorical) face. My first impression when she and the girl in red fell on the floor, was that there was certainly more than friendship about to happen between them. The fact of the matter is that there is a presence in the shape of a person observing the events in that field. She made a friend who turned out to be bad for her and got hurt or let the girl take control, becoming a sheep. Did anyone else see the tendrils as wires (when they came alive halfway through I thought it symbolized “live” wires or else shaken by the crows. Maybe barbed wire is barbed wire? Interesting ideas from you guys, I think you all can be onto something here. The forest is a great place for adventures! Comments are closed. Ginger’s headed for the adult world now, right? Then, to get to the Ginger Island farm on the west side, awaken the sleeping turtle blocking the path by giving a nearby parrot 10 Golden Walnuts. Assuming this is about menstruation, Carmen would easily represent what Ginger does not want to become, a painfully girly girl. From there, there's an old overgrown path that leads straight to Ginger's hideout. When the player selects a girl, the journey begins. Keeping with the “none of them really die” theory, however, Ginger gets involved with a psychopath who monopolizes her life (the way the Girl in Red makes her chase after her, tiring Ginger out), causing depression and a feeling of emptiness while the Girl in Red grows stronger and stronger emotionally from her control of Ginger’s psyche (technically it can’t be physically proven that one is literally draining the other for energy, but the boot fits). Sort of. I was a bit confused about this one… well, actually I had the idea that her story was about her getting really angry or depressed about something, leaving the path, destroying a field of flowers, getting hurt on the thorns, and then lying to herself about it later, pretending that it was a really happy day. Is PC gaming returning to its former glory? The two play innocently. Note the shutters in the hall that allow glimpses back to the previous room (looking back at childhood). The way I took it was a combination of a couple things, one which my friend pointed out. And a much more fun way to get to grandmother’s house. “Ha ha!” it says mockingly, “Now you are irrevocably a girl.”. I would go with the former here though because the wolf encounter is so carefree when we see it. Instead of giving up on all of my favorites, I decided to try … One of those indicators shows where the Girl in White is. I didn’t think it was some kind of universal symbolism. EDIT: Also, I predict very little conflicting interpretations on this one, unfortunately. I would definitely have to nix the menstruation argument in my interpretation, because as someone else already pointed out, that’s an inevitability. Anyways, back to wading through the bubbling pot of ever-thickening symbolism that is The Path…. I think this is either telling the girls that a) You need to learn that bad can happen but I can lead you back to the path to avoid this, b) She is leading them both through curiosity and adulthood through the ways that address their own weakness, or c) It’s a glitch, she takes the direct path, which sometimes leads through an area with a wolf. Maybe that’s the purpose of the crows all up on the telephone wire? Her story is about being at the last days when she can be a “child” and not have to deal with pesky hormones – one of my favorite times of my own life, and one that I was a little sad to lose. As I stated, I can at times see the number 666 pop up on screen. Did I say or imply anything about rape? It occurred to me that a possible interpretation in the game is that the old lady isn’t their grandmother, it’s who they could grow up to be, if they keep taking the safe path. Except the floating zombie wolf – does the GiW ever lead you to him? Then the harsh reality afterwards for someone whose first love was of the same sex realizing you have to face society and face the decision to share your experience or keep it hidden. But it’s probably more fun to try to connect all the images with a given meaning. It’s not impossible. Leaving childhood behind, though, the other half of Ginger’s description, also comes into it. This is Ginger, from Michael and Auriea's upcoming game 'The Path'. But it could also mean that something was holder her back from becoming an adult and leaving her childhood. The “tendrils of Darkness” also resonate with psychopathy, again for reasons that I thought were personal to me, so take that one with a grain of salt. But what the death does that have to do with the Red Girl? And a much more fun way to get to grandmother’s house. Was she the victim of an unfortunate farming accident? Again, though, the tendrils make sense to me: an all-pervasive malevolence that, if you let it grow long enough, will come to pierce every aspect of your life…But that was an association I came up with more or less on my own. First of all I believe it is about menstration, confusion on sexuality (liking more boyish things, which is why her wolf is a female), running away from your problems (“I’m too fast”, “Now you see me, now you don’t”) and death and loss. The barbed wire is probably just symbolic of the end of her innocence, the end of the parade of toys, the fact that this new development is a little scary, and the fact that, purportedly, it hurts. What does she need to learn? I feel as though Ginger’s wolf is toying with her. The eighth tropical cyclone and fifth hurricane of the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season, Ginger spent 27.25 days as a tropical cyclone, lasting from September 6 to October 3.Twenty of those days (September 11 – September 30), Ginger was classified as a hurricane. But how do you match up the weird, stiff, dark things (Mari says they’re clotheslines, but I don’t see it), the toys under the bed, the peacock motif, and the barbed wire deathtrap with relationships/lesbianism? Fuck off, Maldeus. How is this knowledge a two-edged sword? I’ve heard the metaphor of raucous, squabbling women as crows more than once before. If you want to assume they’re insane and hallucinating go right ahead. If you aren’t convinced of the medicinal properties of ginger yet, you will be … Search for: Search. Ginger grows up to realise all the faux macho-violence, like seen on TV, is not so fun in real life, and that she is not as tough as she thought she was. But then, like Shamus I’m not exactly equipped to offer any great insight into menstruation, and I certainly wouldn’t rule out double meanings from these folks. I played because of a friends and I"m so glad. She’s so evil that she finds it amusing to appear nice. It is also apperent that she doesn’t really do the same things that others girls do; she is a tomboy. > she bloom before she wilts? Afterwards, she walked very slowly because she understood life was not just the games she made. The pretense of being good, kind, friendly and harmless gives way to violent danger. But underneath, for me, she is beyond mean. The problem I, like several others, apparently, have with “menstruation as wolf” is that it does not seem to fit with the rest of the stories very well. Your email address will not be published. When I first saw it, I took it literally – Ginger and the girl were running around in a cornfield recklessly, and one of them ran into the barbed wire. Heck, you can actually wander around in the woods as much as you like, even in the wolf sites, and nothing bad will happen unless you choose it to. They run around the field until they tumble over, and then recline on the grass. Then context matters (Ginger’s profile). Sleep Hut and Mailbox (20 + 5 Golden Walnuts) In the first section of the west-side of Ginger Island after the turtle clears the path you will encounter the Sleep Hut and farming area. All very depressing. I mean, if there is *one thing* I thought I had on this game, it was that straying off the path = going against what you were told. All the other instances seem like situations the girls put themselves into as a matter of choice or necessity, but periods don’t work like that. Please remember that the ginger bath will make you sweat profusely for at least an hour afterwards, so wear a bathrobe or sweat clothes. And both birds play prominently in the game. That certainly wouldn’t fit into my interpretation. Then choice of symbols matters (why would the author make the color of the helper girl’s dress a symbol?). Not like I would know. The dark clothesline(?) You're welcome. Let's count up the ways in which Bethesda has misunderstood and misused the Fallout property. The Coronavirus. Thus, the Girl in White != Girl in Red, though they may look alike. Rose – Nature – she risks (literally) getting lost in the woods, or drowning. Just curious, as it might affect the storytelling…. Ginger did not play well with the other girl. I also noted how the girl in red and the girl in white look the same and the girl in white is supposed to be like a friend. oh? So, maybe this is too personal an interpretation to have too much meaning outside my own impression, but I’m absolutely labeling Satangirl as a betraying psychopath out to exploit Ginger until she crawls back to Gramma’s. I was just throwing out every idea that came to mind in hopes of stumbling across something deep and meaningful. As far as I can tell, she never pulls a fast one on you (unless her pathing gets messed up, in which case she leads you smack into the wolf, but that sounds like a bug to me). You'll definitely enjoy fast acting pain relief and ultimate … Whether the game was intended as a work of art filled with imagery and symbolism, or whether the girls are all insane and hallucinating everything doesn’t matter, because it’s all in how we, ourselves, interpret it. I think every one of the girls has a behavior that is (to some extent) dangerous and forbidden, but of which they don’t see the danger themselves. Horrific and dark, but that was my thought. Then we come back to how she really feels at the moment by walking through the rain to Grandma’s house. There's a group out there called the Mystery Kids. Finally, on the path to the gemstone puzzle in Stardew Valley's newest island, a walnut is hiding in the bushes on the southmost edge of the screen. And I think the feathers all over the place belong to crows. If she did know for a long time that she was gay, she most likely kept it to herself and became a loner. Her outlook on the world is wonderfully full of mirth and disrespect. @Vladius – Ruby was one of the easiest and most obvious to me. Which if she just made out with a girl for the first time would probably be feeling pretty funny about visiting her grandmother. Playfully tricky, though. Anyone have any idea what the audio symbolizes in this one? Robin – Wild animals – she risks getting hurt by an actual wolf (not very likely perhaps, wolves are hard to actually meet), or even just a swan or something. Thus she died watching her only friend die as well. Having a certain name, unless it has racial slurs or something, isn’t an indication that you’re trolling. Ginger Bath: You can use either fresh grated ginger or ginger powder. Ginger is a plant with leafy stems and yellowish green flowers. The leading actors Ginger Rogers and Joel MacCrea are looks perfect to each other in this story, it adds much to the impression of the film. When it goes over a gully, duck under the path, etc. Even the pic may or may not be violence. This from Michael Samyn, from Tale of Tales. Don’t worry I bought the game and these pitches are NOT how they should be. Either way, I can’t be bothered to continue responding to your petty, childish insults. When I encountered the Girl In Red Wolf, the Girl in White indicator clearly showed that she wasn’t in the field of flowers. EDIT I’m excited for you to get to Scarlet, if only because a lot of people seem to think she got her fingers cut off by her wolf. Finally the question “what does the symbol mean?” can be asked. The barbed wire? Also in many cultures all over the world 13 used to be the age you stopped being a child and became an adult. 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No real traumas, no “childhood lost forever” etc. The Path of Ginger The Path is a short horror game based on the story of Little Red Ridinghood. you’re a girl!” theory. Michael Samyn’s input lets my heart rest easy that the internet was wrong. I was avoiding wolves at first but I found the flower field and got grabbed instantly by a girl in red who’s supposed to be in white, who has dead black orbs for eyes. I spilled ketchup on my lap when I was in a bad mood once. I get the feeling that their backstories aren’t crucial to figuring out what happened in the game. I’m pretty sure you’re dead on with this one, Shamus. This is what a dark take on Hood should look like: High school. They’re not exactly the same, because for example most psychopaths are not dead. But Ginger lacked that kind of social skill. Now, the fact that the girl in red has a very close appearance to the girl in white can indicate that she is not bad. The sunny field, the playful exchange, which would be the initial experience of falling in love or realizing attraction for the first time. In her successful ending she has learned about herself and is willing to try to bloom, but is terrified because the effort will be so difficult and painful. It's THAT vague. This is Ginger, from Michael and Auriea's upcoming game 'The Path'. It’s almost as though the crows you see on the path are there to try and warn her of the dangers she is about to encounter. Well…, “For what it's worth, I have personally always considered Ginger's wolf to be the most evil of them all. I actually think of her as Satan. I remember playing similar games as a child and I’m a northern European so I guess these are just the games most children in most cultures play. People are being spectators watching the girls, not the girls themselves. Renewal and fertility are often used interchangeably in classical lit and mythology because of their mutual association with farming/crops. She suffered at the hands of a “wolf” and is trying to cure the girls curiosity of going off the path, but tries to lead them back to the path before they meet the wolf. Hence the sudden change in perspective in Ginger’s nightmare-house. My own hypothesis is purely based on the YouTube clip, since I don’t have the game. Will she ever learn? She (partly, of course) identifies herself by her lack of caution.). Alternatively (and I like this theory better): Ginger is a tomboy (obviously), and when menstruation comes it smacks her in the face. The two of them fall in together until Joel discovers what the women of her family actually do for a living. Her walk to grandma’s after the wolf meeting makes it look like she’s uncomfortable. To me, Ginger’s story seemed to speak of a more literal loss – the twin beds, the twin seesaws with no partner, and the way the girl in red turned into butterflies and flew off halfway through their games (before coming back with the “peekaboo” thing). Will she ever learn? > absorbed in the game she thinks of as life. She takes pleasure in perverting a form that you find agreeable. I’m with Jeremiah, either something went wrong with those recordings or these devs need to learn what is and isn’t appropriate pitch for the human ear. 1) Peacocks/peacock feathers as a symbol of renewal: here among others. This was starting to feel like the rest of the internet… which is normally not the case. I do not really see a reason not to interpret her story relatively literal though. It’s obvious to state that Ginger’s story is about growing up. If I don’t trust someone, it means only that they, at one point in time, had a pulse. I like the story of this drama and all of actors play. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. That description gave you a definite sense of who else Carmen reminded you. The scarecrow in the field, Shamus you said it wasn’t scary at all, for me it was pretty unsettling. Although she probably does like most of the games she plays, I think she is also (almost desperately) trying to convince herself and others of how wild she is, in an attempt to be different. What does she symbolize? Running around in the fields, climbing gnarly old trees, playing wild games with abandoned toys, collecting pebbles and hitting things with sticks. Recurring symbols in lit usually have more weight than symbols that appear only once. So from that and my own personal experience, memories of being a confused girl of thirteen who had more than complicated relationships with my close girl friends, her journey made perfect sense to me. For a girl to pick up or examine an object, the player needs to either click on the interaction button or move her close enough for a superimposed ima… And if I recall there was a peacock in the birdcage in one of them as well. I’m a longtime reader, but this is the first time I really feel compelled to comment. The core members are Coraline Jones (from Coraline), Dipper and Mabel Pines (from Gravity Falls), Norman Babacock (from Paranorman), and Dib (from Invader Zim). Then in Grandma’s house you hit the living room strung with clothesline/wires (entanglements) and all the doors are changed out for chainlink gates (barriers/fences). I was going to play it, but I can't really download things onto my Dad's computer, and I'm not terribly interested in horror games, I disturb easily. If that’s anything like the actual music in the game, I believe my ears would be bleeding after much more of it. That being said, they may symbolically represent the same person. Please have this debate in a respectful manner. My own thoughts on this episode were that the overconfident Ginger who seemed to love the action hero style violence perhaps seen on TV comes to realise that people use actual violence in real life for cruel fun or to get what they want. The lines in her profile “[she is] completely absorbed in the game she thinks of as life. This matters! This is absolutely amazing.The style and everything helps capture the essence of Ginger.Do you know if they plan on making The Path 2 or a similar game that is tied in with it?Also I wrote a fanfic about The Path and Sonic.Ginger and Sonic are the main characters if you are interested in reading it.Hope Ya have agreat one.Peace. I just have to tread carefully. Also There was ELECTRICAL WIRES IN THE FIELD. And we’ve included a smoothie recipe to get you started. Next you pan under the beds (endings) for a view of toys (childhood has ended). On another note, I dont think the peacock wallpaper is Ginger specific; it appears in the other girls’ endings as well. Should she?” Good question. This game is so creepy. The whole house sequence, one way or another, definitely implies the end of childhood and the strangling responsibilities of adult life. Maybe someone with knowledge of some of the tribes that had these kinds of coming-of-age rituals can shed some light on the subject? On the other hand, this doesn’t dovetail too well with her becoming Rose, unless she gets really jaded by the process in the intervening two years, then suddenly decides to buy into it again two years later. She’s probably not terribly happy, but even as a man I think I can marshal the intuition to realize that she’s probably just fine. Now, there are two ways I’m going to look at this. 1. I have noticed when the little designs pop up on screen, the number 666 can be seen. I was wondering, Did I miss something? @Michael Samyn’s comment: Eeeyikes. It is inspired by several versions of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, and by folklore tropes and conventions in general, but set in contemporary times. Ginger is the first girl I’ve played without really reading into the game at all. She is clearly a sexualized version of the girl in white and I can’t really wrap my mind around any other reason for that. > Very independent -a loner, actually- and completely With Ginger Rogers, Joel McCrea, Marjorie Rambeau, Henry Travers. There’s ups and downs to both of those questions, even for someone like me who finds every single thing about high school to be utterly ludicrous. You’re too late, Flame Fanner. They’re sort of a less fantastic, slower acting version of Dementors. How did this thing get made? Maybe they just put a bunch of random imagery in the game and expected people to interpret it for them. (I haven’t played through any of the characters right to the end, but have watched some of the videos). My logic still stands. Also, what is it with Carmen and mattresses? The player is given control of the girl, and is instructed: "Go to Grandmother's house and stay on the path". I liked Ginger the most out of all the girls. These puzzles reward players with Golden Walnuts, which can be traded to the parrots living on the island in exchange for unlocking new features, including a second farmhouse, a store, and even a resort. It also doesn’t start moving until midway through the house. This lends credence to the psycho pretending to be friend toying with her. The ginger spice comes from the roots of the plant. I was a huge tomboy when I was a kid, and when I visited my parent’s last week I hiked to my old haunts and picked raspberries. Actually, they reminded me of eyelashes at first, but I’d say they could be any kind of body hair – which would tie in very neatly with the whole menstruation/puberty thing. I think that’s our best lead right now. You can quote someone like this: Darth Vader said

Luke, I am your father.
, Your email address will not be published. Might be the reason she is a loner too, since she didnt do girl stuff and boy’s didnt want to play with her cuz she is a girl (little boys do do that sometimes). Sierra Silver. So…I may have actually been right. The barbed wire at the end is definitely barbed wire. At any time when you’re on the path, you can keep walking to Grandma’s, or you can go to the phone booth and call for someone to get you. Not just due to everything beyond the red dress being a total stretch, but because it seems to go against the metaphor of the Path. So the Girl in Red seems friendly. FYI: I am updated to 1.5.1 Thank you concernedApe :D continuously amazed by the new content! For Ginger, “blooming” would be developing normal social skills and “wilting” would be retreating away from that challenge to remain a loner. im sorry,i found that game a few months ago,an i wondered if there where pictures on deviant art,and i somehow could not find any until last night X_X, hehe this was commissioned by the creators of the game, holy freaking crap,i made a near perfect picture of ruby (only 1 mistake! If it was a male friend Ginger lost, I’d say he was freaked out by her first menstruation, but the GiR is obviously older than Ginger, so that’s hardly likely. For the safety of your family and ours, we are now taking phone orders only for pickup and delivery. He means Rose, I think… Rose was the one with the floating cloud zombie. Alternatively alternatively: The girl in red is a crazed psychopath who garroted Ginger with barbed wire. Well, instinct tells me you did and your crude vulgarity now is a clumsy, ill-fated attempt to start another flame war, but I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. I would like to extend an invitation to everyone arguing in this thread to knock it off. She's so evil that she finds it amusing to appear nice. A videogame that judges its audience, criticizes its genre, and hates its premise. Is there any significance to the cut-off on April 4th, I wonder? I don’t get that in relation to any of the possible scenarios people have come up with. It seems to be a symbol of immortality, glory, royalty, and incorruptability. I didn’t think she was actually supposed to _be_ Native American at all. However I do warn you, sometimes in this game it can get a bit ear piercing to listen to. In this position, she represents a clearly female role, which would play well into the “smack! We MOVED! Actually, I’ll link to the YouTube of Ginger’s ending while I’m here. It doesn’t literally take place in a forest, of course, it takes place in a field out in a farm somewhere with power lines going through it. Here I analyze this style and explain what it all means. However, it is odd that feathers float around her room and there is a crow sitting on the sideways table a few rooms before it. Is there a possibility to tie the two together? Likewise, if the Girl in White is supposed to be innocence and friendship or whatever (something positive), it would make sense for the “wolf” to take her (metaphorical) face. My first impression when she and the girl in red fell on the floor, was that there was certainly more than friendship about to happen between them. The fact of the matter is that there is a presence in the shape of a person observing the events in that field. She made a friend who turned out to be bad for her and got hurt or let the girl take control, becoming a sheep. Did anyone else see the tendrils as wires (when they came alive halfway through I thought it symbolized “live” wires or else shaken by the crows. Maybe barbed wire is barbed wire? Interesting ideas from you guys, I think you all can be onto something here. The forest is a great place for adventures! Comments are closed. Ginger’s headed for the adult world now, right? Then, to get to the Ginger Island farm on the west side, awaken the sleeping turtle blocking the path by giving a nearby parrot 10 Golden Walnuts. Assuming this is about menstruation, Carmen would easily represent what Ginger does not want to become, a painfully girly girl. From there, there's an old overgrown path that leads straight to Ginger's hideout. When the player selects a girl, the journey begins. Keeping with the “none of them really die” theory, however, Ginger gets involved with a psychopath who monopolizes her life (the way the Girl in Red makes her chase after her, tiring Ginger out), causing depression and a feeling of emptiness while the Girl in Red grows stronger and stronger emotionally from her control of Ginger’s psyche (technically it can’t be physically proven that one is literally draining the other for energy, but the boot fits). Sort of. I was a bit confused about this one… well, actually I had the idea that her story was about her getting really angry or depressed about something, leaving the path, destroying a field of flowers, getting hurt on the thorns, and then lying to herself about it later, pretending that it was a really happy day. Is PC gaming returning to its former glory? The two play innocently. Note the shutters in the hall that allow glimpses back to the previous room (looking back at childhood). The way I took it was a combination of a couple things, one which my friend pointed out. And a much more fun way to get to grandmother’s house. “Ha ha!” it says mockingly, “Now you are irrevocably a girl.”. I would go with the former here though because the wolf encounter is so carefree when we see it. Instead of giving up on all of my favorites, I decided to try … One of those indicators shows where the Girl in White is. I didn’t think it was some kind of universal symbolism. EDIT: Also, I predict very little conflicting interpretations on this one, unfortunately. I would definitely have to nix the menstruation argument in my interpretation, because as someone else already pointed out, that’s an inevitability. Anyways, back to wading through the bubbling pot of ever-thickening symbolism that is The Path…. I think this is either telling the girls that a) You need to learn that bad can happen but I can lead you back to the path to avoid this, b) She is leading them both through curiosity and adulthood through the ways that address their own weakness, or c) It’s a glitch, she takes the direct path, which sometimes leads through an area with a wolf. Maybe that’s the purpose of the crows all up on the telephone wire? Her story is about being at the last days when she can be a “child” and not have to deal with pesky hormones – one of my favorite times of my own life, and one that I was a little sad to lose. As I stated, I can at times see the number 666 pop up on screen. Did I say or imply anything about rape? It occurred to me that a possible interpretation in the game is that the old lady isn’t their grandmother, it’s who they could grow up to be, if they keep taking the safe path. Except the floating zombie wolf – does the GiW ever lead you to him? Then the harsh reality afterwards for someone whose first love was of the same sex realizing you have to face society and face the decision to share your experience or keep it hidden. But it’s probably more fun to try to connect all the images with a given meaning. It’s not impossible. Leaving childhood behind, though, the other half of Ginger’s description, also comes into it. This is Ginger, from Michael and Auriea's upcoming game 'The Path'. But it could also mean that something was holder her back from becoming an adult and leaving her childhood. The “tendrils of Darkness” also resonate with psychopathy, again for reasons that I thought were personal to me, so take that one with a grain of salt. But what the death does that have to do with the Red Girl? And a much more fun way to get to grandmother’s house. Was she the victim of an unfortunate farming accident? Again, though, the tendrils make sense to me: an all-pervasive malevolence that, if you let it grow long enough, will come to pierce every aspect of your life…But that was an association I came up with more or less on my own. First of all I believe it is about menstration, confusion on sexuality (liking more boyish things, which is why her wolf is a female), running away from your problems (“I’m too fast”, “Now you see me, now you don’t”) and death and loss. The barbed wire is probably just symbolic of the end of her innocence, the end of the parade of toys, the fact that this new development is a little scary, and the fact that, purportedly, it hurts. What does she need to learn? I feel as though Ginger’s wolf is toying with her. The eighth tropical cyclone and fifth hurricane of the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season, Ginger spent 27.25 days as a tropical cyclone, lasting from September 6 to October 3.Twenty of those days (September 11 – September 30), Ginger was classified as a hurricane. But how do you match up the weird, stiff, dark things (Mari says they’re clotheslines, but I don’t see it), the toys under the bed, the peacock motif, and the barbed wire deathtrap with relationships/lesbianism? Fuck off, Maldeus. How is this knowledge a two-edged sword? I’ve heard the metaphor of raucous, squabbling women as crows more than once before. If you want to assume they’re insane and hallucinating go right ahead. If you aren’t convinced of the medicinal properties of ginger yet, you will be … Search for: Search. Ginger grows up to realise all the faux macho-violence, like seen on TV, is not so fun in real life, and that she is not as tough as she thought she was. But then, like Shamus I’m not exactly equipped to offer any great insight into menstruation, and I certainly wouldn’t rule out double meanings from these folks. I played because of a friends and I"m so glad. She’s so evil that she finds it amusing to appear nice. It is also apperent that she doesn’t really do the same things that others girls do; she is a tomboy. > she bloom before she wilts? Afterwards, she walked very slowly because she understood life was not just the games she made. The pretense of being good, kind, friendly and harmless gives way to violent danger. But underneath, for me, she is beyond mean. The problem I, like several others, apparently, have with “menstruation as wolf” is that it does not seem to fit with the rest of the stories very well. Your email address will not be published. When I first saw it, I took it literally – Ginger and the girl were running around in a cornfield recklessly, and one of them ran into the barbed wire. Heck, you can actually wander around in the woods as much as you like, even in the wolf sites, and nothing bad will happen unless you choose it to. They run around the field until they tumble over, and then recline on the grass. Then context matters (Ginger’s profile). Sleep Hut and Mailbox (20 + 5 Golden Walnuts) In the first section of the west-side of Ginger Island after the turtle clears the path you will encounter the Sleep Hut and farming area. All very depressing. I mean, if there is *one thing* I thought I had on this game, it was that straying off the path = going against what you were told. All the other instances seem like situations the girls put themselves into as a matter of choice or necessity, but periods don’t work like that. Please remember that the ginger bath will make you sweat profusely for at least an hour afterwards, so wear a bathrobe or sweat clothes. And both birds play prominently in the game. That certainly wouldn’t fit into my interpretation. Then choice of symbols matters (why would the author make the color of the helper girl’s dress a symbol?). Not like I would know. The dark clothesline(?) You're welcome. Let's count up the ways in which Bethesda has misunderstood and misused the Fallout property. The Coronavirus. Thus, the Girl in White != Girl in Red, though they may look alike. Rose – Nature – she risks (literally) getting lost in the woods, or drowning. Just curious, as it might affect the storytelling…. Ginger did not play well with the other girl. I also noted how the girl in red and the girl in white look the same and the girl in white is supposed to be like a friend. oh? So, maybe this is too personal an interpretation to have too much meaning outside my own impression, but I’m absolutely labeling Satangirl as a betraying psychopath out to exploit Ginger until she crawls back to Gramma’s. I was just throwing out every idea that came to mind in hopes of stumbling across something deep and meaningful. As far as I can tell, she never pulls a fast one on you (unless her pathing gets messed up, in which case she leads you smack into the wolf, but that sounds like a bug to me). You'll definitely enjoy fast acting pain relief and ultimate … Whether the game was intended as a work of art filled with imagery and symbolism, or whether the girls are all insane and hallucinating everything doesn’t matter, because it’s all in how we, ourselves, interpret it. I think every one of the girls has a behavior that is (to some extent) dangerous and forbidden, but of which they don’t see the danger themselves. Horrific and dark, but that was my thought. Then we come back to how she really feels at the moment by walking through the rain to Grandma’s house. There's a group out there called the Mystery Kids. Finally, on the path to the gemstone puzzle in Stardew Valley's newest island, a walnut is hiding in the bushes on the southmost edge of the screen. And I think the feathers all over the place belong to crows. If she did know for a long time that she was gay, she most likely kept it to herself and became a loner. Her outlook on the world is wonderfully full of mirth and disrespect. @Vladius – Ruby was one of the easiest and most obvious to me. Which if she just made out with a girl for the first time would probably be feeling pretty funny about visiting her grandmother. Playfully tricky, though. Anyone have any idea what the audio symbolizes in this one? Robin – Wild animals – she risks getting hurt by an actual wolf (not very likely perhaps, wolves are hard to actually meet), or even just a swan or something. Thus she died watching her only friend die as well. Having a certain name, unless it has racial slurs or something, isn’t an indication that you’re trolling. Ginger Bath: You can use either fresh grated ginger or ginger powder. Ginger is a plant with leafy stems and yellowish green flowers. The leading actors Ginger Rogers and Joel MacCrea are looks perfect to each other in this story, it adds much to the impression of the film. When it goes over a gully, duck under the path, etc. Even the pic may or may not be violence. This from Michael Samyn, from Tale of Tales. Don’t worry I bought the game and these pitches are NOT how they should be. Either way, I can’t be bothered to continue responding to your petty, childish insults. When I encountered the Girl In Red Wolf, the Girl in White indicator clearly showed that she wasn’t in the field of flowers. EDIT I’m excited for you to get to Scarlet, if only because a lot of people seem to think she got her fingers cut off by her wolf. Finally the question “what does the symbol mean?” can be asked. The barbed wire? Also in many cultures all over the world 13 used to be the age you stopped being a child and became an adult.

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