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A specialist predator, the Canada lynx depends heavily on snowshoe hares for food. [45], The Canada lynx preys primarily and almost exclusively on the snowshoe hare. The word “lynx” comes from the Greek “to shine,” and may refer to the animal’s eyes’ reflective ability. Hybridization between closely related species might significantly delimit the geographic range of the species, especially if they are endangered as reproductive success in females would be reduced by the birth of sterile offspring; on the other hand, fertile hybrids can compete and breed further with the parent species, potentially reducing the numbers of the parent species. The females will only mate during each season with one male, but the males may mate with a number of females. Its paws are unusually large and in very deep snow act like snowshoes. [15][21][62], The Canada lynx is known to host several parasites including Cylicospirura felineus, Taenia species, Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina and Troglostrongylus wilsoni. There are four nipples. The average slope for lynx habitat was Le Lynx du Canada et le Lynx boréal sont en fait issus du même ancêtre commun asiatique [35]. : The ten-year cycle of snowshoe hares—one of the most striking features of the boreal forest—is a product of the interaction between predation and food supplies, as large-scale experiments in the Yukon have demonstrated", 10.1641/0006-3568(2001)051[0025:WDTYCO]2.0.CO;2, "Population regulation in snowshoe hare and Canadian lynx: Asymmetric food web configurations between hare and lynx". Canadian lynxes have superb eyesight and can spot a mouse 250 feet away. [55] Environmental factors such as forest fires, precipitation and snowfall might also significantly affect this prey-predator cycle. [63][64] Canada lynxes could have played a role in the transmission of the zoonotic parasite Toxoplasma gondii to the Inuit in North America. [37], Canada lynxes at the periphery of a population, given their smaller numbers and susceptibility to separation from the central population by natural barriers (such as rivers), might face more difficulty in breeding with lynxes towards the centre of the population and hence show lower genetic variability. The Canada lynx stands 48–56 cm (19–22 in) tall at the shoulder and weighs between 5 and 17 kg (11 and … The mating season is roughly a month long (from March to early April). The Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) is a medium-sized North American lynx that ranges across Alaska, Canada, and northern areas of the contiguous United States. Urine marking and mating calls are part of display behaviour and increase the interaction between individuals of opposite sexes. Coyotes, with a success rate of 36.9%, emerged as more successful hunters than lynxes that succeeded in 28.7% of their hunts; however, this may have resulted from the greater number of adult coyotes in the studied population. [90], "Canadian lynx" redirects here. Les jeunes lynx du Canada profitent de l'hiver. [7], However, in 2017 the IUCN Cat Specialist Group considered the Canada lynx a monotypic species in its revision of felid taxonomy, since the subspecies show little morphological or genetic differences. Lynx facts. Canadian lynxes appear to be territorial and live solitary lives. [75][76][77][78], Canada lynxes are trapped in specific seasons in most of Alaska and Canada; hunting seasons and quotas are set based on population data. [15] Canada lynxes will occasionally hunt together, though studies differ on how this affects the success rate compared to hunting solo. [49] These cycles have been cited as an example of the Lotka–Volterra predator–prey equations, caused by the interplay of three major factors—food, predation and social interaction. [21] These lynxes are primarily solitary, with minimal social interaction except for the bond between mothers and female offspring, and the temporary association between individuals of opposite sexes during the mating season. [18] Canada lynx fossils excavated in North America date back to the Sangamonian and the Wisconsin Glacial Episode. Le lynx du Canada est un félin de taille moyenne dont la fourrure est fauve. The Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), or Canadian lynx, is a North American felid that ranges in forest and tundra regions across Canada and into Alaska, as well as some parts of the northern United States. The study discovered a novel percavirus, named LcaGHV1, in spleen samples of Canada lynxes from Maine and Newfoundland. [23] The fur is generally shorter in summer than in winter. A Canadian lynx with its bobbed tail visible. The lynx is a good swimmer and an agile climber. [42][43] However, Canada lynxes are known to disperse over large distances, often thousands of kilometres, which might increase genetic variability in widely separated populations. Like the bobcat, the hindlimbs are longer than the forelimbs, so the back slopes downward to the front. The lynx waits for the hare on specific trails or in "ambush beds", then pounces on it and kills it by a bite on its head, throat or the nape of its neck. The black tufts on the top of their ears enhance their already excellent hearing. In eastern Canada, the Canadian lynx is competing with the eastern coyote, which, over the last few decades, has expanded its range. Reproduction. [89][90] Hair-snaring involves collecting hairs shed by the lynx, especially when they rub against objects (such as the snow); a study showed a mixture of beaver castroleum and catnip oil can strongly induce rubbing behaviour in lynxes. Canada lynx tracks are generally larger than those of the bobcat; thicker fur may make the toe pads appear less prominent in the snow. When snowshoe hare numbers declined, both predators hunted for the same time period as they did when hares were abundant, but lynxes killed more hares than they had earlier. Consulte la fiche du lynx du Canada sur le site Web éducatif Biogenus. The Canada lynx and the bobcat live in North America. Canada lynx live in forested areas and make their dens underneath fallen trees, tree stumps, rock ledges or thick bushes. The lynx is listed as Endangered in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Not only does its coat provide insulation, but it also helps to camouflage it as it hunts prey. a summary of the landscape variables for lynx habitat. [21] In winter, the hair on the lower cheek becomes longer, giving the impression of a ruffle covering the throat. Le lynx du Canada (Lynx canadensis) est un magnifique félin (ou chat) sauvage de la forêt boréale (la forêt la plus au nord de l’hémisphère Nord).Le lynx ressemble à un très grand chat domestique. Females have only a single estrus cycle; estrus lasts three to five days in captivity. [49][50][51][52] In northern Canada, the abundance of lynxes can be estimated from records maintained by the Hudson's Bay Company and the Canadian government since the 1730s. However, this species’ numbers are stable and currently it is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List. In 1912, American zoologist Gerrit Miller placed it in the genus Lynx, using the name L. Lynxes rarely cached their kills, unlike coyotes, and this may have led to incomplete consumption of some kills. In the West, it preferred subalpine coniferous forests of mixed age. Historically the Canada lynx ranged from Alaska across Canada and into many of the northern U.S. states. Hunting mainly at night, these animals are primarily visual predators, however, they also have good hearing. Nevertheless, activity may be observed during daytime. Notes on the ecological concepts of habitat, biotope and niche. L'origine des lynx en Amérique du Nord résulterait d’invasions successives du lynx To use its carnassials, the lynx must chew the meat with its head to its side. Habitat and Ecology(see Appendix for additional information) Canada Lynx are found primarily in boreal forests, and their main prey species, the Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus), depends largely on patches of successional growth (Buskirk et al.2000) in older Although mainly nocturnal, Canadian lynxes are sometimes active during the day. In this way, prey flushed out by one individual is often caught by another in the line. The Canada lynx tends to be less selective in summer and autumn, adding small mammals as a minor component of their diet besides the hare. [22] The lynx will roam or wait (in what researchers often term "ambush beds") on certain trails where snowshoe hares gather, pounce on a hare and kill it by a bite on its head, throat or the nape of its neck. Staying in cover while hunting helps the lynx conserve energy in its frigid habitat by avoiding unnecessary movement. The Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) is a medium-sized North American lynx that ranges across Alaska, Canada, and northern areas of the contiguous United States. [46] They have also been reported feeding occasionally on succulent sedges and grasses. [1][85] A 2017 study reported increasing numbers in many areas in the United States. They are blind the first fourteen days and weaned at twelve weeks. [2] The 2006 study gave the phylogenetic relationships of the Canada lynx as follows:[14][19] "Some observations on the natural history and behaviour of the Canada Lynx, "Identification of a novel gammaherpesvirus in Canada lynx (, "Plague as a mortality factor in Canada lynx (, "Small weasel-like animals are taking down big cats", "Wildlife officials say the Canada Lynx doesn't need endangered listing, conservationists disagree", "Colorado Parks & Wildlife: Lynx Population Is Stable In San Juans",, "That 'British big cat' called England's Loch Ness Monster? [1] On March 24, 2000, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) issued its Final Rule, which designated the Canada lynx a Threatened Species in 14 contiguous states. The Canada lynx is sexually dimorphic, with males larger and heavier than females. En 1912, le zoologiste américain Gerrit Miller l'a placé dans le genre Lynx , en utilisant le nom L. canadensis . Canada lynxes have been reported to live sixteen years in the wild, though most do not survive ten; in captivity they may make it to twenty-seven. Females are sexually mature at 21 months, males at 33 months. Adapté aux climats froids, son aire de répartition englobe essentiellement le Canada et l'Alaska (États-Unis) ainsi que nord-est des États-Unis et dans une partie des Rocheuses. [2] Similar to other lynxes, black tufts around 4 cm (1.6 in) in length emerge from the tips of the ears, which are lined with black fur. Habitat: These Lynx are found in the broad boreal forest belt of North America. Il a reconquis depuis peu le nord des États du Wisconsin et du Minnesota aux États-Unis. This leads to a prey-predator cycle, as Canada lynxes respond to the cyclic rises and falls in snowshoe hare populations over the years in Alaska and central Canada. In scent stations, the lynx is typically lured into camera-monitored areas by skunk scent (sometimes catnip) and a "flasher" such as a bird wing on a string. Moreover, lynxes supplemented their diet with red squirrels. Distribution: Canada, Alaska, and the northern contiguous United States Reproduction and Offspring: After a gestation of approximately 63-70 days, females produce a litter of 1-8 kittens, with the average varying depending on the abundance of prey. [21] Snowshoe hare populations in Alaska and central Canada undergo cyclic rises and falls—at times the population densities can fall from as high as 2,300/km2 (6,000/sq mi) to as low as 12/km2 (31/sq mi). [80], In eastern Canada the lynx is threatened by competition with the eastern coyote, whose numbers in the region have risen in the last few decades. Lynx du Canada. Females and their young sometimes hunt together when they spread out in a line and move through relatively open areas. L'extrémité de sa courte queue est noire. Chasser le lapin demande une stratégie particulière pour ce lynx. As in the related bobcat (Lynx rufus), the lynx's hindlimbs are longer than the forelimbs, so the back slopes downward to the front. [6][26][30] The bobcat is generally smaller than the Canada lynx, but in areas where they are sympatric the bobcat tends to be larger and may still be confused with the Canada lynx. A 1985 study showed that the mean size of home ranges trebled—from 13.2 to 39.2 km2 (5.1 to 15.1 sq mi)—when the density of hares fell from 14.7 to 1/ha (5.95 to 0.40/acre). [13], According to a 2006 phylogenetic study, the ancestor of five extant felid lineages—Lynx, Leopardus, Puma, Felis and Prionailurus plus Otocolobus—arrived in North America after crossing the Bering Strait 8.5 to 8 million years ago (mya). [54] A study involving statistical modelling of the interspecific relations of the snowshoe hare, the plant species it feeds on and its predators (including the Canada lynx) suggested that while the demographics of the lynx depend primarily on the hare, the hare's dynamics depend on both its diet and its predators, of which the Canada lynx is just one. Canada lynx look similar to bobcats, but there are some distinguishing features: bobcats have shorter tufts on their ears, the tip of their tail is black on top and white underneath, and bobcats have shorter legs and smaller feet than lynx. On retrouve le lynx roux en Amérique du nord depuis le sud du Canada jusqu’au centre du Mexique. La fourrure du lynx est traditionnellement utilisée par les Premières nations du Yukon dans la fabrication de capes et de parements traditionnels. Within male home ranges there may be the range of several females and their young. [37], Canada lynxes establish home ranges that vary widely in size, depending upon the method of measurement. Females can be induced ovulators when the availability of mates is low, or spontaneous ovulators when several mates are available. La variété de celui-ci lui importe peu. The southern Rocky Mountains in Colorado, Utah, and southern Wyoming are disjunct from other lynx habitats in the United States and Canada. [84] A 2012 study showed numbers had improved in the northeastern United States; however, a 2008 study showed lynx populations were not doing well in Washington because of habitat fragmentation. These hares comprise 35–97% of their diet; the proportion varies by the season and the abundance of hares. [15][16] The populations of the Eurasian lynx that reached North America 2.6 mya are believed to have initially settled in the southern half of the continent, as the northern part was covered by glaciers. Consequently, a period of hare scarcity occurs every eight to 11 years. On trouve ces lynx surtout dans les forêts boréales du Canada et de l'Alaska. Habitat loss is the main threat in the contiguous United States, while trapping is a relatively insignificant cause of mortality. Learn more about the behavior and habitat of lynx … For this reason, it has developed a thick coat to protect itself from the cold. [11][12] A study in 2019 estimated the Newfoundland lynx to have diverged from the mainland lynx around 20,000 to 33,000 years ago following the last glaciation. [87], Various techniques have been employed to study Canada lynx populations; the data collected can provide useful information on the ecology and distribution of the species and pave the way for effective conservation measures. Siblings may stay together for some time after separating from their mother. [21], Apart from Canada lynxes, coyotes are also major predators of the snowshoe hare. Description. Studies based on snow-tracking have estimated home range sizes of 11.1–49.5 km2 (4.3–19.1 sq mi), while those based on radio telemetry have given the area between 8 and 783 km2 (3.1 and 302.3 sq mi). "A snow-tracking protocol used to delineate local lynx, U.S. Its legend was fuelled by Canadian lynx, study says", "British big cat theory gets bump from lynx link", Analysis of the CITES-reported illegal trade in, 10.1674/0003-0031(2008)159[504:CLLCLR]2.0.CO;2, "Hybridization between Canada lynx and bobcats: genetic results and management implications", "Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of threatened status for the contiguous U.S. distinct population segment of the Canada lynx and related rule", Success of the Colorado Division of Wildlife's lynx reintroduction program, Species status assessment for the Canada lynx (, "US says snow-loving lynx no longer need special protection". A study showed that, compared to Canada lynxes, coyotes' feet sink deeper in the snow due to their smaller size and hence a larger body mass to foot area ratio, prompting them to ambush their prey instead of chasing it as lynxes often do. Le lynx du Canada est originaire d'Amérique du Nord. The lynx's stride is 30–46 cm (12–18 in), while the bobcat's varies between 13 and 41 cm (5 and 16 in). This lynx is regularly trapped for the international fur trade in most of Alaska and Canada but is protected in the southern half of its range due to threats such as habitat loss. [21] However, at times when the hare's numbers drop, Canada lynxes will include other animals in their diet—such as ducks, grouse, moles, ptarmigan, red squirrels, voles and young ungulates (Dall's sheep, mule deer and caribou)—though snowshoe hares continue to be the primary component. While it was unclear which lynxes were preferred in North America, bobcat and Canada lynx furs appeared to be in greater demand than those of other lynxes in Asian and European markets. Le lynx et l’humain. The lynx is assisted by its stereoscopic vision in detecting prey and measuring distances. Il mange également des souris, des écureuils et des oiseaux tels que le tétras. With big eyes and superior hearing, Canada lynx are excellent night hunters. [1] Hybridization between Canada lynxes and bobcats has been reported in the southern periphery of the range. Given its abundance throughout the range, and lack of severe threats, the Canada lynx has been listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. In the past, the lynx occurred from the northern United States (in 24 states), possibly up to the Rocky Mountains in New Mexico, to the tree line in the Arctic through coniferous forests in Alaska and Canada. Smaller than a cougar but bigger than a bobcat, Canada lynx have silvery fur and black ear tufts. They leave the mother at around ten months, as the next breeding season begins, but they do not reach the full adult size until around two years of age. En effet, il avait disparu de ce pays après une chasse massive pour sa fourrure. Canada is known for its large deer, ferocious bears, and a variety of avian species. Lynx are considered a boreal species. Il a la queue courte, de longues pattes, de grands pieds et des touffes de poils proéminentes sur les oreilles (voir la figure 1). The lynx lives in the northern parts of the United States and Canada, with much of its time spent in low temperatures. [3] The taxonomy of the Canada lynx remained in dispute through the 20th and early 21st centuries. [1] By 2010, after an 11-year effort, the lynx had been successfully reintroduced into Colorado. Snow tracking might be a challenge in areas lacking roads, and sometimes bobcat tracks can be mistaken for those of the Canada lynx. These big feet are like snowshoes, enabling them to hunt effectively in deep snow. Canada lynx-bobcat hybrids have shown signs of reproductive success and do not appear to pose any big threat to the parent species. [15] The lynx can cover 8–9 km (5.0–5.6 mi) daily, moving at 0.75–1.46 km/h (0.47–0.91 mph), to procure prey. Following a cyclic fall in populations during the mid to late 1980s, there was a sharp decline in the prices and harvest of Canada lynx furs—the average number of pelts exported from Canada and the United States fell from 35,669 in 1980–1984 to 7,360 between 1986 and 1989. Kittens leave the den after about five weeks and begin hunting at between seven and nine months of age. The Canadian lynx is a cat of medium size with characteristic long ear tufts, a flared facial ruff, and a short, bobbed tail that has a completely black tip. Au Canada, il occupe toutes les provinces et territoires à l'exception de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Individuals, particularly of the same sex, tend to avoid each other, forming "intrasexual" territories. Le lynx se nourrit essentiellement de lièvres et de lapins, mais ils chassent également souris, rats, écureuils, oiseaux, faons, cerfs-mulets, chauves-souris. Canadian Lynx on The IUCN Red List site -, destruction (wild cats), clowder, clutter, pounce,, The Canadian lynx is a medium-sized cat belonging to the family Felidae. ↑ a b et c Comité sur la situation des espèces en péril au Canada (COSEPAC), « Lynx du Canada Lynx canadensis », 2009 (consulté le 4 février 2010) ↑ Odum EP (1953) Fundamentals of ecology. Le lynx est présent dans l’ensemble de la forêt boréale canadienne, ce qui, en Ontario, signifie en gros au nord du parc Algonquin. [6] The dental formula is Le Lynx du Canada est l’un des trois félins sauvages habitant la forêt boréale du Canada. [56], The mating season is roughly a month long, from March to early April. The Canada lynx was first described by Robert Kerr in 1792. [1][15][21], A reintroduction attempt into New York by the SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry between 1989 and 1992, which had 80 lynx from northwestern Canada released into the Adirondacks, was unsuccessful; nineteen were killed by automobiles, eight were mistakenly shot by bobcat hunters, and the rest died from unknown causes or predation. [1], A survey of the international wildlife trade between 1980 and 2004 recorded that among all lynxes, the Canada lynx accounted for thirty percent of legal items and had little part in illegal trade. La chasse au Lynx roux et au Lynx du Canada est réglementée au Canada, aux États-Unis et au Mexique, mais la législation peut varier selon les États Repos La seule constante à son habitat est le peuplement forestier. [22][35] Canada lynxes are efficient climbers, and will dodge predators by climbing high up in trees, but they hunt only on the ground. Lynxes have thick fur and long legs, the hind legs being longer than the front legs, giving it a stooped appearance. [1], However, populations are relatively lower in the southern half of the range and are protected from the fur trade. [73] Many of the released lynx dispersed into surrounding states (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire) and Canadian provinces (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick). Except during the breeding season in winter, adults generally avoid each other. Native to North America, the Canadian lynx inhabits a range from the Arctic treeline, southwards through a good part of Alaska and Canada, as well as the north of the adjoining United States. In eastern states, it lived in a transition zone in which boreal coniferous forests yielded to deciduous forests. Économiquement, le lynx est l’animal à fourrure le plus important du Yukon, puisqu’il a une très grande valeur sur les marchés internationaux. [15][21], Canadian lynxes hunt around twilight or at night, the time when snowshoe hares tend to be active. [39] Female home ranges contract in size when the females have offspring to take care of and expand to their original size at the time of weaning. Le sud-est de la Colombie-Britannique est entrecoupé de crêtes rocheuses, de vallées et d'installations humaines. It typically occurs in dense boreal forests, though … Habitat. [15] Lynx reproductive cycles and litter sizes have been observed to vary with prey availability; litter size would typically contract in years of snowshoe hare decline (along with high infant mortality rates), and increase when hares were abundant. Lynxes prefer to live in higher altitudes, typically in mountain ranges. Female offspring typically settle in home ranges close to their mothers and remain in contact with them for life, while male offspring move far from their mother's range. Their tails are shorter than a bobcat’s! The lack of appreciable subspecific distinctions led the researchers to doubt the validity of the Newfoundland lynx as a separate subspecies. Le lynx du Canada (Lynx canadensis) fait partie de la famille des Felidae et à la sous-famille des Felinae qui comprend, selon Wilson et Reeder (1993), 13 genres et 29 espèces. [57] Before birth, the female prepares a maternal den, usually in very thick brush, and typically inside thickets of shrubs, trees or woody debris. [15] Individuals have been observed making long wailing vocalizations, probably as mating calls. When the hare populations plummet, lynxes often move to areas with more hares, sometimes covering over 1,000 km (620 mi), and tend not to produce litters; as the hares' numbers increase, so does the lynx population. This is especially noticeable in the population cycles of lynxes and snowshoe hares. et à Terre‑Neuve, ainsi que dans les zones boisées du nord du Nouveau‑Brunswick. The period of gestation is 8 to 10 weeks and litters usually number 2 or 3, though may be between 1 to 5 kittens. Average illegal trade in fur and live animals appears to be negligible on the national scale. [37] These lynxes may hunt in groups when hares are scarce. [67] A study identified plague as a major cause of mortality in reintroduced populations in Colorado. The Canada lynx stands 48–56 cm (19–22 in) tall at the shoulder and weighs between 5 and 17 kg (11 and 37 lb). The young Canada lynx enjoy winter.

Je T'aime Mon Amour En Russe, Tous Les Cris Les Sos Explication, Règles De Procédure Définition, Golden Star Ferries Annulation, Les Frangines - Ensemble Version Instrumentale, Protozoaire Marin Mots Fléchés, Bad Guy Ukulele Pomme, Les Plus Belles Femmes D'europe Pays,

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